One Day Online Workshop
2019 for Change
Sunday, Jan. 27th 9AM-3PM
3 modules
to discover yourself, co-create and be held and sustained in community.
Module 1
1 DAY Workshop
Discovering your blind spots, your contradictions & resistance.
Your habits create your momentum.
Module 2
40 DAY Journey
6 Weeks of Genesis Pattern
Discover the patterns in you from your ancestors.
Working with the Patterns of the Universe
Activate your DNA
Module 3
120 DAY Adventure
Launch YOUR Purpose Driven Year!
Co-Create and Celebrate together
It takes 120 days for new red blood cells to die off and 120 days for new cells to mature. Set yourself up for sustainable, long-term success.
Isolation is Not Our DestinyAMPLIFYING EASE & EXPANSION
$1500 Or Three Payments of $555Week 1
1st Class In-Person
Discover why fear and crisis is a necessary ingredient for your desired transformation.
Discovering your blind spots, your contradictions & resistance.
Discover why contrast & problems are necessary ingredients into clarity.
Week 2-6
Live Online Video Class
Amplifying the receptive mode and ease.
Your Opportunity to Dedicate a Devotional Space to Dive Deep Into Your Subconscious & Experience a Powerful Transformation.
Tap into your path of least resistance through your subconscious beyond
suffering & pain.
Dive into your subconscious flow and inspiration.
Hatch refreshing ideas & insights.
What to Expect
- Please set aside 2 hours for the online workshop.
- Pituitary & pineal activation meditations to awaken your higher self.
- Purposefully designed writing prompts to reveal your life patterns and heart's VISION.
- Learn 3 KEY Principles to starting a fulfilling goal, a new chapter with integrity.
- Introduction to "FOCUS & FLOURISH: A 52-week Challenge," a vehicle to empower you to take 52 SIMPLE actions towards your goal.
- This workshop will ignite you to make decisions & commitments.
Guideline: Join us on time with a journal and pen in a distraction free environment.
Where: Online in the comfort of your home
When you submit your name and email address, you will receive a ZOOM link for the workshop.
Please set up a devotional space clear of distractions ready for writing, meditating and awakening your enthusiasm to flourish in 2020.
Date & Time:
Sunday, January 26th @4PM PST/7PM EST - This Online Workshop is a Gift
Challenge your status quo:
Start your recovery from the addiction of your old story that binds you hostage in fear, doubt and self sabotage with a step by step guide.
Be a pioneer: Analyze key patterns emerging then create your own Genesis creation pattern. Enhance existing strengths and abilities.
SHAPE YOUR FUTURE: Storytelling Hero's Journey
Empowerment: Experience a beginning, middle, and end to your journey: We are story beings, we thrive on stories, stories inspire and motivate us. New Way of Seeing the World: Explore what adventure you'd like to embark on and what excitement, thrill and challenge awaits you. You become the HERO of your story and journey.
Impact: Utilize the Genesis Pattern of all cosmic creation in your cellular memory. Activate your DNA. Create a new pattern and repetition.
Unlock Your Consciousness: Activate your LIGHT BODY and RE-BBIRTH your 10 Bodies. Our physical body is just one of our 10 bodies.
2020 Focus & Flourish
"There is a voice that doesn't use words, listen." - RUMI
Clearing the Trauma for a an Extraordinary 2018
What to Expect
- 1.5 Hour Online Workshop.
- Pituitary & pineal activation meditations to awaken your higher self.
- Purposefully designed writing prompts to reveal your life patterns and heart's VISION.
- Learn 3 KEY Principles to starting a fulfilling goal, a new chapter with integrity.
- Introduction to "FOCUS & FLOURISH: A 52-week Challenge," a vehicle to empower you to take 52 SIMPLE actions towards your goal.
- This workshop will ignite you to make decisions & commitments.
Guideline: Join us on time with a journal and pen in a distraction free environment.
Where: Online in the comfort of your home
When you submit your name and email address, you will receive a ZOOM link for the workshop.
Please set up a devotional space clear of distractions ready for writing, meditating and awakening your enthusiasm to flourish in 2020.
Date & Time:
This Online Workshop is a Gift
Strength of the Collective
What happens in the 52 Week Challenge?
You will be guided to choose 1-3 purposeful goals for 2020 around your career, relationship or health.
Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand." ~Henry David Thoreau
The 52 Week Challenge acknowledge that multi-tasking is inevitable in modern life. Once a week, you will harness the power of our focus by activating your pineal and pituitary glands to accessing your inner genius. We will support your transition from multi-tasking to mono-tasking.
FOCUS & FLOURISH: Each week, we'll dive deep into 2.5 hours of group focus productivity sessions.
These peer-to-peer collaborations bring together members who are committed to helping each other achieve success,
solve problems and encourage each other.
To encourage your commitment to success, we offer a distraction free space with 'work sprints' to support your momentum in taking action on your goals. Your Purposeful Year is simplified into 52 manageable weekly sessions.
With the community's support, cheerleading and accountability, it's almost impossible to avoid making progress. Dance with liberation, fulfillment and collaboration towards your goals instead of trudging and grinding towards them.
This Program is for You If...
you have yearned for a steady, consist support and accountability in a dynamic group.
If you want to experience success on a consistent basis.
If you want to hone, polish, and sharpen your success cellular memory in your body and subconscious.
If you read any biography of an extraordinary success story, there is a steady cheerleader in their lives.
“Creativity happens when you work independently,” she says, echoing our finding that insight comes from not having distractions. “Individuals are really good at generating a whole lot of ideas, while groups are good at selecting, shaping, and refining those ideas.” Kellogg School of Management professor Leigh Thompson (People have work styles that range from an independent to an interdependent orientation) Multi-tasking does not equal productivity.
When & Where:
We will be meeting online every week. Meetings will be held on Zoom Meetings. This is done remotely so whereever you are, you will be connected as long as you have wifi or a phone.(There is an interview process if you would like to join.)
2019 Fall of Freedom
FREE Online Introductory Workshop
- Multitasking to meet the professional and personal demands of modern life has become deeply ingrained in us.Attempting to juggle too many tasks can jeopardize our success. The confluence of these demands creates a dynamic where multitasking is expected. Diffused focus, competing goals and multiple tasks is a recipe for failure.There is a better way.
Multitasking & Making Decisions
An airport tower controller clears an aircraft...
“into position and hold” on a runway to be ready to go as soon as she can get another aircraft to cross the far end of the runway. That other aircraft is on the wrong frequency, delaying communication, and the controller must manage several other aircraft during the delay. Visibility is poor because of twilight and smog. Forgetting that she has not yet cleared the aircraft holding on the runway to take off, or perhaps confusing it with a similar aircraft still on the taxiway, the controller clears an approaching aircraft to land on the same runway, which it does, destroying both aircraft, and killing several dozen people.
Multitasking & Tasks
A nurse, preparing to inject a patient,
notices that the drug he is drawing into the syringe is not the one he remembered being prescribed. He is about to check the physician’s order when he is interrupted by an urgent call from another nurse. After helping the other nurse, he returns to do the injection but forgets his intention to check the drug order and injects the drug. The patient suffers a severe adverse reaction.
One Day Online: 2019 for Change Workshop
The inter-play of brilliant minds: collaborate, co-create and share insights
Change Your Story, Change Your Life.
$55.00Bring a notebook and pen. Let the medicine of stories guide you.
Break through your obstacles this Lunar New Year and nourish yourself through kundalini yoga, bhakti (music) meditations, & guided prompts.
Date & Time: Saturday, Feb 8th; 11am-2pm $55
(all welcome; 5 full scholarships available, first come first serve.)
Location: Hari Peekskill Studio
One South Division St. 2nd Fl.QuantityComing soonSorrows are our best educator. A man can see further through a tear than a telescope.
- Bruce Lee
February 10th 9am-3pm SUNDAY
Morning: 9AM Unlock Your Dormant Potential
We start the day by activating your creative genius through your pineal and pituitary glands through Kundalini Yoga Kriya and Meditation. We awaken your individual/collective subconscious and pave the way to access your clear divine consciousness as we gather and assemble together online. We get clear on WHY you joined and dive into your vision of growth in this community. Purposeful Principle #1: Unlock Your Gates [Led by Amanbir & Grace]
Morning: Change Your Story, Change Your Life - Writing and Storytelling
Next, we explore through writing and storytelling exercises designed to unveil your inherited patterns and unlock your dormant potential to thrive. Through specifically designed acts of sharing and listening, we activate and awaken contribution and purpose. You will feel seen and heard. Purposeful Principle #2: Shift Your Perspective. [Led by Ruthy]
Tea Break: Gift Economy & Inter-Play of Brilliant Minds
We activate our gift economy by making positive impact with our immediate community at this MASTERMIND. The inter-play of your brilliant minds will offer up acts of generosity and kindness. We open dialogue for possibilities, expose blockages/needs and solutions. We plant our seeds of intention and commit to watering and nurturing it through accountability. Purposeful Principle #3: Devotional Service [Led by Liz: Brave conversations over coffee & Kayleigh: Mindfulness Meditation]
Post Lunch Break: Intention / Focus & Flourish / Take a Leap!
The ecosystem of high vibrational creative energy of the community is optimal for individual and collective momentum. Through the group, our intention is to ignite your collaborative and collective imagination and expose knowledge that expands the realm of your possibilities. We will create a comprehensive system of assembling once a month for 6 months to execute your short and long term goals in your mind, body, professional transformational growth. Delve Deeper through grounding your commitment and expanding your consciousness through the One Day Online 2019 for Change Event. [Led by Grace, Courtney, Niko, Dr. David & Dr. Steven]
Empty your cup so that it may be filled;
become devoid to gain totality.
My friend, drop all your preconceived
and fixed ideas and be neutral.
The usefulness of the cup, is its emptiness.
Empty your cup so that it may be filled.
~Bruce Lee
8 Week Transformation
Purpose is NOW
Unlock Your Dormant Potential
We start the day by activating your creative genius through your pineal and pituitary glands through Kundalini Yoga Kriya and Meditation. We awaken your individual/collective subconscious and pave the way to access your clear divine consciousness as we gather and assemble together online. We get clear on WHY you joined and dive into your vision of growth in this community. Purposeful Principle #1: Unlock Your Gates [Led by Amanbir & Grace]
Change Your Story, Change Your Life - Writing and Storytelling
Next, we explore through writing and storytelling exercises designed to unveil your inherited patterns and unlock your dormant potential to thrive. Through specifically designed acts of sharing and listening, we activate and awaken contribution and purpose. You will feel seen and heard. Purposeful Principle #2: Shift Your Perspective. [Led by Ruthy]
Gift Economy & Inter-Play of Brilliant Minds
We activate our gift economy by making positive impact with our immediate community. The inter-play of your brilliant minds will offer up acts of generosity and kindness. We open dialogue for possibilities, expose blockages/needs and solutions. We plant our seeds of intention and commit to watering and nurturing it through accountability. Purposeful Principle #3: Devotional Service [Led by Liz: Brave conversations over coffee & Kayleigh: Mindfulness Meditation]
Intention / Focus & Flourish / Take a Leap!
The ecosystem of high vibrational creative energy of the community is optimal for individual and collective momentum. Through the group, our intention is to ignite your collaborative and collective imagination and expose knowledge that expands the realm of your possibilities. We will create a comprehensive system of assembling once a month for 6 months to execute your short and long term goals in your mind, body, professional transformational growth. Delve Deeper through grounding your commitment and expanding your consciousness through the One Day Online 2019 for Change Event. [Led by Grace, Courtney, Niko, Dr. David & Dr. Steven]
I'M IN!!!
ISOLATION is fatal to our goals, dreams & wishes.
Strength of the Collective
Mercury retrograde usually starts an undercurrent of panic as our electronics slow down, shut down and glitch away. There's miscommunications, items lost and brain slow down. However, MERCURY RETRO is a prime time to re-visit your visions.
We will dedicate
hone consultation.
Get Ready to...
Roll-Up Your Sleeves & take a LEAP!
Purpose is NOW
Sunday April 14th 6:30PM EST/3:30 PST FREE Online Workshop
What to Expect from the Guides/Speakers:
- You will receive a video that address the following:
- Grace Kim: Pituitary & Pineal Activation via Kundalini Yoga Kriya/Meditation
- Amanbir & Rainer: Meditation to tap into your subconscious ready to mingle with your brilliant self
- Dr. David & Steven: Tender Loving Care & Body & Science -Dance and awaken your enthusiasm and get heart centered
- Ruth O'tero: Storytelling to invoke your strength and release karmic patterns
- Courtney Clifford: Emotional triggers & writing prompts
- Elizabeth Cardiello: Entrepreneurship, lineage & legacy
Maggie Ridge: De-clutter to embody your highest potential
Kayleigh Vogel: How do you challenge the status quo beyond boundaries, explore your idea in a new or different way and take risks?
52 Gift Economy Challenge: Increase your social, cultural and spiritual capital; Leverage Your Ideas & Experiences
Online: Set up a devotional space clear of distractions ready for movement, writing and meditation.
Your Guides Through 2020
We are here to guide you through your PURPOSE
Each month, we have a special speaker/guide joining us to share their wisdom and their specialty.
Your Purposeful Year Host
Grace offers corporate and executive coaching and group collective transformation trainings at organizations like American Cancer Society, Bronx Juvenile Detention Center, and New York Corporations. She implements storytelling, researched activities and yogic sciences to facilitate profound inner and outer shifts in individuals. She helps guide entrepreneurs and creatives materialize their goals by helping release their subconscious resistance.
Elizabeth Cardiello
Caffeunimatic / Legacy Out Loud
Liz is the creator of the methodology that is building the next generation of confident young women leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers. Launched at the UN's celebration of Women's Entrepreneurship Day in 2015, this organization has already transformed the lives of girls around the country and been recognized by
a TEDx Talk called The Most Powerful Question You Never Considered.
Kayleigh Vogel
Positive Psychology & Mindfulness Meditation
Kayleigh draws on scientifically proven methods from positive psychology, neuroscience, integrative medicine, nutrition, and the contemplative and yogic traditions to address the entirety of the human person—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Courtney Clifford
Executive Coach
Courtney is a facilitator, coach, kundalini yoga & meditation teacher. She is the founder of TRUE, a transformative experiential development company that generates increased inner awareness through a blend of yogic science, practical energetic philosophy and techniques.
Ruth Otero
Project Manager / Storyteller
Ruth guides clients through their project with meaningful storytelling. She holds space for their stories to unfold and she becomes an invaluable collaborator, mid-wife guiding her clients through their journey to find and express the unique story that only they can tell.
Acupuncturist / Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer
Amanbir Singh created Authentic Harmony to celebrate, practice and teach healing as a natural yet forgotten occurrence in every human being. Dedication towards one’s health through eastern medicine is built in a core of Amanbir's approach to human body, mind and soul.
Maggie Ridge
In Your Corner
Maggie is your advocate for tidying up. Maggie says, "It did not begin with 'Getting rid of things' – It began with the vision of a life in which I could live every day embodying my highest self in the most positive and supportive environment."
Jennifer Perry
Reiki Master
As a Reiki Practitioner, Jen brings the body's biochemistry back into balance. Reiki helps one feel more grounded, centered and awake to one's life purpose. Reiki addresses our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies to support those in need to navigate their journey with more vitality.
Dr. David Djebali
General Practitioner
Dr. David Djebali practiced medicine and nutrition in Paris, France and moved to New York City to practice internal medicine at St Luke’s Roosevelt/Columbia Presbyterian. David serves as a nephrologist in Manhattan and as house doctor in the health clinic at a Wall Street investment bank. As a house doctor, he treated vast array of ailments among 10,000 employees and coaches patients about lifestyle for optimal health. Dr. David meditates every day and practices yoga weekly and leads meditation programs for his colleagues.
Dr. Steven Radowitz
Internal Medicine
Dr. Steven Radowitz began his career treating HIV patients in the AIDS units in the 90s, in both the inner cities of Chicago and New York. He acted as medical director of an alcohol and heroin detox program in the inner city of New York. Over the last ten years, Steven has run a private practice in Manhattan while acting as a primary care doctor at a Wall Street investment bank.
Steven started his spiritual journey over ten years ago learning the wisdom and practices of Yoga, Meditation and Kabbalah.Nikolaos Koutoupis
Executive Coach
As an executive life coach, Niko combines coaching with tools to helps you feel the lightness, love and joy of your life to flourish at both your work and personal life. He helps you feel safe and secure through helping you deepen your financial abundance. Niko is a financial auditor at top investment banking firms such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Citi.
Rainer Perry
Yoga Therapist / Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Rainer is an IAYT-certified yoga therapist and KRI professional-level yoga teacher trainer. He has been teaching Kundalini Yoga in NYC and internationally since 2006.
Morning: Unlock Your Dormant Potential
We start the day by activating your creative genius through your pineal and pituitary glands through Kundalini Yoga Kriya and Meditation. We awaken your individual/collective subconscious and pave the way to access your clear divine consciousness as we gather and assemble together. We get clear on WHY you joined the Assemblage and dive into your vision of growth in this community. The Assemblage's Principle #1: Go Higher.
Post Lunch: Writing and Storytelling
Next, we explore through writing and storytelling exercises designed to unveil your inherited patterns and unlock your dormant potential to thrive. Through specifically designed acts of sharing and listening, we activate and awaken contribution and purpose. You will feel seen and heard. We start with creating micro social change. The Assemblage's Principle #2: Be of Service.
Post Tea Break: Gift Economy & Inter-Play of Brilliant Minds
We activate our gift economy by making positive impact with our immediate community at this MASTERMIND. The inter-play of your brilliant minds will offer up acts of generosity and kindness. We open dialogue for possibilities, expose blockages/needs and solutions. We plant our seeds of intention and commit to watering and nurturing it through accountability. The Assemblage's Principle #3: Do Well by Doing Good.
The ecosystem of high vibrational creative energy of The Assemblage is optimal for individual and collective momentum. Through the Mastermind, our intention is to ignite your collaborative and collective imagination and expose knowledge that expands the realm of your possibilities. We will create a comprehensive system of assembling once a month for 6 months to execute your short and long term goals in your professional transformational growth. Delve Deeper through grounding your commitment and expanding your consciousness through the One Day Urban Mastermind Retreat. We will apply the Assemblage’s principles into action. ‘Go Higher, Be of Service, and Do Well By Doing Good.’
Strength of the Collective
One Day ONLINE Workshop:
2019 for Change
Purpose is NOW
January 27th 9am-3pm SUNDAY
What to Wear
Come dressed as uniquely you with comfort for sitting and playful movement in the comfort of your own home with your computer & have a working headset ready.
When to Arrive
Arrive by 5-10 minutes before 9AM. It will take couple minutes to download the ZOOM app.
What to Expect
- Pituitary & Pineal Activation via Kundalini Yoga Kriya/Meditation
- Meditation to tap into your subconscious ready to mingle with your brilliant self
- Dance and awaken your enthusiasm and get heart centered
- Storytelling to invoke your strength and release karmic patterns
How do you challenge the status quo beyond boundaries, explore your idea in a new or different way and take risks?
Gift Economy: Increase your social, cultural and spiritual capital.
- Mastermind brainstorming interaction
Leverage Your Ideas & Experiences
Come prepared and play!
Online: Set up a devotional space clear of distractions ready for movement, writing and meditation.
Nourishing Lunch & Tea
Prepare beverages and a simple lunch readily available to you on the day of the workshop.
One DayUrban MASTERMIND Retreat
High Vibrational Conscious NETWORKING Event
What to Wear
Come dressed as uniquely you with comfort for sitting and playful movement
When to Arrive
Arrive by 10AM
What to Expect
- Pituitary & Pineal Activation via Kundalini Yoga Kriya/Meditation
- Sound Meditation to tap into your subconscious ready to mingle with your brilliant self
- Dance to music & drumming to awaken your enthusiasm and get heart centered
- Ancestral Storytelling to invoke your strength and release karmic patterns
How do you challenge the status quo beyond boundaries, explore your idea in a new or different way and take risks?
Gift Economy: Increase your social, cultural and spiritual capital.
- Mastermind brainstorming interaction
Combination of single "Hot Seat" and playful element of "Art Battle Style," where multiple entrepreneurs get feedback simultaneously
Leverage Your Ideas & Experiences
Pre-register to come prepared and play!
The Assemblage: World's first co-working biophilia space crowdsourced and funded by its members
Nourishing Lunch
Ayurvedic lunch is available for purchase at the first floor cafe
Rules of Impact
Biophilia*Frontier Science
Unlocking Consciousness*Crowd Sourcing * Crowd Funding
Inspired Creativity* Living Environments*Refueled Resources
Digital Inclusion * Engineered Environments*Augmented Humanity
Your Next Step
1Purchase online
3Arrive & Enjoy
January 27th 9am-3pm SUNDAY
Morning: Unlock Your Dormant Potential
We start the day by activating your creative genius through your pineal and pituitary glands through Kundalini Yoga Kriya and Meditation. We awaken your individual/collective subconscious and pave the way to access your clear divine consciousness as we gather and assemble together. We get clear on WHY you joined the Assemblage and dive into your vision of growth in this community. Purposeful Principle #1: Unlock Your Gates [Led by Amanbir]
Morning: Change Your Story, Change Your LifeWriting and Storytelling
Next, we explore through writing and storytelling exercises designed to unveil your inherited patterns and unlock your dormant potential to thrive. Through specifically designed acts of sharing and listening, we activate and awaken contribution and purpose. You will feel seen and heard. Purposeful Principle #2: Shift Your Perspective. [Led by Ruthy]
Tea Break: Gift Economy & Inter-Play of Brilliant Minds
We activate our gift economy by making positive impact with our immediate community at this MASTERMIND. The inter-play of your brilliant minds will offer up acts of generosity and kindness. We open dialogue for possibilities, expose blockages/needs and solutions. We plant our seeds of intention and commit to watering and nurturing it through accountability. Purposeful Principle #3: Devotional Service [Led by Liz: Brave conversations over coffee & Kayleigh: Mindfulness Meditation]
Post Lunch Break: Intention / Focus & Flourish
The ecosystem of high vibrational creative energy of the community is optimal for individual and collective momentum. Through the group, our intention is to ignite your collaborative and collective imagination and expose knowledge that expands the realm of your possibilities. We will create a comprehensive system of assembling once a month for 6 months to execute your short and long term goals in your professional transformational growth. Delve Deeper through grounding your commitment and expanding your consciousness through the One Day Online 2019 for Change Event. [Led by Grace, Courtney, Nico, Dr. David & Dr. Steven]
Rules of Impact
Purpose is Now*Frontier Science
Unlocking Consciousness*Crowd Sourcing *
Inspired Creativity* Living Environments*
Inclusion * Focus & Flourish* Humanity, Kindness & Compassion
Move Beyond the Torment of Change, Doubt & Fear
We are More Than the Sum of our Daily Obligations and DutiesThe key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body – to feel it all
times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into
the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes, much like a light that grows
brighter as you turn up the dimmer switch and so increase the flow of electricity. At this
higher energy level, negativity cannot affect you anymore, and you tend to attract new
circumstances that reflect this higher frequency.
– Eckhart TolleI'd like to REGISTER!
Please feel free to email with your inquiry: Grace@PurposefulYear.Com